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import { ListFormat } from '@dnb/eufemia'


A ready-to-use list formatter. Use it wherever you have to display a list of strings, numbers, or React components (JSX).

Good reasons for why we have this is to:

  • Uniform the creation and formatting of lists.
  • Supports translation and localization.
  • Built on top of web standards.

The component is designed to maximum display 10-20 items. If you need to display more items than that, consider a different design, and perhaps using Pagination and/or InfinityScroller.

When the variant property is set to text (default), the browser API Intl.ListFormat will be used with additional React components (JSX) support.

When the variant is set to a non-text variant, it uses Lists to render the given list.

Formatting only

You can use the listFormat function without using the React Component ListFormat, to format strings, numbers, or React components (JSX) as a string. It does not return lists(ol, ul, etc).

import { listFormat } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/ListFormat'
return listFormat(myList, {
format: { type: 'disjunction' },
locale: 'en-US',

See the following demo for a more detailed example.

The listFormat function supports an object with { format, locale } as the second parameter. format and locale will accept the same values as documented in properties of the ListFormat component. The function does not support variant and listType, as it does not return a list, but rather return a string.